Parasites Cleanse

Most people believe that parasites are something that happens to someone else.Well, that is true for some people and that is false for many other people. It is estimated that more then 70% of people in western world, have some parasitic or semi-parasitic animal living inside their body.

How can I get rid of parasites?

"Getting rid of all parasites would be absolutely impossible using clinical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each. Such medicines also tend to make you quite ill. Imagine taking 10 drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites! Good news, perhaps, for the drug makers but not for you.”

Three of these herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites, without so much as a headache and without any interference with any drug that you are already on! Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be true? They are natures gift to us. The herbs are:

  • Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree) : The dried and ground green hull of the Black Walnut contains tannin which is an organic iodine as well as juglandin, juglone and juglandic acids. It has been used for centuries to expel various types of worms including parasites that cause skin irritations such as ringworm (the name is a misnomer since the disease is not caused by a worm). Black walnut oxygenates the blood, which also helps to kill parasites. It’s very effective against tapeworms, pinworms, candida albicans (yeast infections) and malaria. It is also effective in reducing sugar levels and helping the body rid itself of toxins.

  • Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub): is the most powerful of the parasite killing herb kingdom. It is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Wormwood contains the toxins, thujone and isothujone which are the components that kill parasites. Wormwood also contains santonin which is known as a remedy for parasitic diseases. It is the second most bitter herb known to man and has been proven as a powerful remedy for malaria. Wormwood also helps produce bile which in turn helps the liver and gallbladder. It’s not a coincidence that it’s named after a prison and it’s Matilda’s surname!

  • Common Cloves (from the clove tree): contains eugenol, caryophyllene and tannins which again are powerful anti-microbial properties these components are what actually travel in the bloodstream killing microscopic parasites and all parastitic larvae and eggs. Eugonal is the most powerful antimicrobal agents known because it kills all microscopic protoza. They are the same cloves that you use in cooking.

These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs and only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already lose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs.

But first I usually approach them separately incorporating a diet, to starve the parasites/fungus and kill it internally and if necessary use tropical’s externally. Sugar feeds fungus and disrupts the immune system allowing micro-organisms to thrive and flourish. By eliminate all sugar (including natural sugars like fruit) processed food, white rice, potatoes, and yeast-breads and eating a colorful diet. This would consist of vegetables, lean proteins, almonds and pumpkin seeds that will make the body alkaline (disease’s cannot survive in a high PH environment) will give the immune system a boost. It is important to supplement with a potent pro-biotic formula to replenish good bacteria and regulate intestinal flora.

I then assist the body in eliminating fungal candida first to open up detoxification pathways and then go after the parasites. If there is an active bloodborne parasitic infection, I think that it's best to address this first. Many antiparasitic herbs also have an antifungal effect. It may not make a difference to do them together, but I like to focus on eliminating one so that I don't create too much for the immune system to handle. The immune system is usually overwhelmed in today's toxic world and adding too much more of a workload with two cleanses making both cleanses less effective.

We will always need to treat parasites periodically, so I don't see a need to rush into the parasite cleanse until after the candida cleanse. One study has shown that 10% of our genetics have been altered by the influence of persistent parasites in the body via reverse transposons over the course of our co-evolution. The body is a complex organism that we still know very little about. Ultimately, parasites are unavoidable and the goal is not to totally eradicate every single parasite, but cleansing a few times a year and boosting your immune system with perfect whole foods is the name of the game.

Where can I get those herbs?

There are hundreds of websites selling different versions of Hulda Clark's recipe.  Unfortunately, the potency and quality of their products is not always the best. Why? Because it is not easy to get fresh Black Walnut also the potency of Cloves and Wormwood is not always the same. The price for 1 month supply of good quality herbs is around £60, but it can be bought separately online which is much cheaper. It is very smart to add high quality probiotics into the treatment to repopulate the colon with good bacteria. 

To prevent new parasites infections:

  1. Parasite Cleanse + Bowel Cleanse

  2. Kidney Cleanse

  3. Liver Cleanse

Here are some other standard parasite killing herbs:

Garlic, Pumpkin Seeds, Cayenne pepper, Goldenseal, Sage, Thyme, Fennel, Male Fern, Cranberry Powder, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Apple kernel, olive leave extract and apple seeds.

This will kill the parasites in so-called 'diverticulas' (pockets in the lower colon). The active ingredients of the parasite program are too weak by the time they reach the lower colon to kill the parasites in those pockets.


Garlic can slow and kill more than sixty types of fungi and twenty types of bacteria including some of the most potent viruses known to man. It has a history of being able to kill parasites and control the secondary fungal infections, detoxify and gently stimulate elimination. It also has antioxidant properties to protect against oxidation caused by parasites' toxins. Allicin and Ajoene are the components in garlic that kill parasites including the one-cell varaties as well as pinworms and hookworms.

Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seed is taken to eliminate many varieties of worms. Native Americans are known to have chewed pumpkin seeds as an aid in deworming.

Gentian Root

Gentian Root helps stimulate circulation, strengthening the system and the muscles of the digestive organs. It is also good for convalescence, especially in the cases of extreme weakness. Also good for anemia, counteracting the effects of poisons, stimulating the appetite, strengthening the blood, bruises, constipation and urinary infections.


Hyssop contains an essential hormone oil to help build resistance to infectious disease. It has been used for poor digestion, breast and lung problems, coughs, nose and throat infections, it has proven useful for mucous congestion in the intestines.

Black Seed

Black seed has many medicinal properties including anti-neoplastic (abnormal growths of tissue) activity. “It can heal every disease except death” as stated by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is antibacterial, antifungal and antihelminthic (parasitic infection fighter). It has an immune-enhancing effect on the human T-cell production (T lymphocyte is a type of leukocyte (white blood cell) that is an essential part of the immune system and it helps to balance and stabilize it.

Cramp Bark

Cramp Bark is considered one of the best natural remedies for regulating female disorders. It is excellent relaxant for the ovaries and the uterus, it is commonly used as a uterine sedative and anti-spasmodic. In Russia, the berries are used for regulating high blood pressure, heart problems, coughs, colds, lung and kidney problems as well as stomach ulcers.

Peppermint Seed

Peppermint helps to cleanse and strengthen the entire body. It can also be useful for bowel problems helping to assist the salivary glands in digestion.


Thyme is a powerful antiseptic and a general tonic with curative powers. It has been used for anemia, bronchial, intestinal problems and as an antiseptic for tooth decay. It destroys fungal infections such as athlete's foot and skin parasites such as crabs and lice. It also kills abdominal worms. Thyme is the primary ingrediant in listerine mouthwash because of it's germ killing power.

Fennel Seed

Fennel acts as an appetite suppressant and diuretic, it helps to stabilize the nervous system and expel waste material from the body. Fennel improves digestion and has also proven helpful with coughs and persistent bronchitis due to its mucus-countering and anti-convulsive properties.

Grapefruit Seed

Grapefruit Seed, well known as an anti-fungal agent kills many different types of parasites and assists the body in producing beneficial bacteria.

What actually happens?

First the biofilm breaks down, candida biofilms are well known for their role increasing antifungal resistance. There is a lot of information pointing out how candida species form biofilms on human tissues. What is a biofilm? A biofilm is a sticky film created by microscopic bacteria to protect them and ensure survival. When an unhealthy biofilm develops in the body, it makes it even more difficult to fight infection especially if an infection in the gut. A healthy gut is filled with beneficial bacteria that create a thin biofilm and is anti-inflammatory and lubricating to the body. An unhealthy gut biofilm will prevent the absorption of nutrients, make pathogenic bacteria resistant to the immune system and protect harmful bacteria from antifungals and antibiotics. Unhealthy gut biofilm can be attacked with proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break down protein), antimicrobial herbs and apple cider vinegar. The biofilms can use simple sugars in their construction quite well, and may, by anchoring themselves to the gut walls, be able to inhibit the bodies absorbtion of simple sugars and cherry pick them for themselves which is why a cleanse takes so long to get results and is unstable in effect. In fact when I did my first cleanse I noticed that the biofilm was breaking down because I was spitting a lot of phlegm, so this may be one of the effects of when you know its working. It also explains why antibiotics can be so effective as they poison the bacteria directly, though biofilm bacteria have other defenses against antibiotics like the restriction of flow through the structures of the biofilm. The amount of biofilm formed is related to the presence of maltose or glucose in the growth medium. Once health has been restored to the gut, you can promote a healthy biofilm by eating a diet rich in beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods and beverages!

My Cleanse…

I was quite ill at the time with issues ranging from allergies, depression, IBS to recovering from having a benign cyst. I had already dabbled with some diets to support my gut and liver (which was causing all of my problems), but I felt that I was missing a piece to the puzzle of my own personal health, reluctant to visit a western doctor as always. I saw many doctors prior to this all saying the same thing “We can’t find anything wrong; we can prescribe you anti-depressants if you’re interested.” I took Sertraline for the first week but stopped because it made me feel suicidal. I have a natural tendency to investigate and get to the bottom of things and with the world wide web that’s exactly what I did, researching about health is a hobby of mine and so I found some videos on candida and parasites. By typing in various keys words into Google, I stumbled upon a forum with people sharing their journeys with similar issues that I had. Most of them mentioned about having parasites, at first I was like “how do I have parasites that’s for unhygienic people” and “these people all eat contaminated meat”. But then I researched a bit more and read about individuals who had completed the cleanse who shared the same issues that I had. So it was up to me to decide which protocols were best suited for me by listening to my intuition.

Many recommended the book “How to Cure all diseases” by Dr. Hulda Clark and so I dived deep into understanding what was needed to conduct this cleanse. 

I completed my first cleanse when I was 24/25 years old, I didn’t get all of the parasites out but my skin cleared up and my stomach was flat right after I finished the cleanse, but soon my spots came back and I became bloated again because I did nothing to maintain or continue my progress with killing the years of parasites inside of me. Taking the herbs is similar to taking a lot of garlic, except you don’t smell. When you’re just starting out after being in the dark for so long, you have to keep cleansing until you get everything out. I read that it’s always best to take a 2-3 week break between cleanses also I took a break during my period. It is best to change your diet prior to completing this otherwise you will not reap the benefits, meaning no sugar, no sodas, no fast food etc. My sugar cravings were something that I was having difficulty in controlling so I made a Papaya milkshake which curved my cravings, the recipe can be found in the drinks section here.

My diet consisted of mostly lean proteins and vegetables (a lot of greens) lots of water, minimal if any fruits most days, thats it. If you don't get strict with the diet it is very hard to get the yeast under control. I did it just short of 2 months, didn't have any major crazy detox symptoms, but I tried so many different cleanses prior to this that I think I was use to most of the healing crisis' by then.

I started by taking a colon cleanse drink on an empty stomach in the morning this was followed with lots of water immediately. The colon cleanse drink was a mixture made up of Psyllium Husk and Bentonite Clay, psyllium husk can be found at any Asian supermarket but bentonite clay I bought online from Amazon USA so it took a while to arrive. I mixed 8 oz of water and added 1 tablespoon whole psyllium husks + 1 tablespoon liquid bentonite. I drank this immediately followed with another 8 oz glass of water immediately. It is not advisable to mix this with metal cutlery because the bentonite detoxes heavy metals and will pull on the cutlery into the drink, so its best to either use a strong plastic fork or shake it. It is important to drink this and then wait because bentonite clay will absorb everything in it’s path, including the nutrients from your food and the herbs from the parasite cleanse drink. I’d then go back to sleep for about an hour then take the parasite herbs, following with another glass of water then eat breakfast.

Another reason why it didn’t work properly the first time was because my biofilm was breaking down so not many parasites were being killed. So on the second cleanse you are supposed to take maintenance doses after the parasite cleanse to keep the leftover eggs and any new parasites you ingest daily from thriving. This helps free up your body’s energy for issues that need attention rather than constantly fighting microorganisms as mentioned earlier. On top of that, the herbs in the maintenance dose contain essential minerals and nutrients that support the body’s natural immune system. 

Results The First Time

Physically you do not feel them crawling out but I did itch a lot that I slathered castor oil on my skin every night. They don’t come out alive LOL. They don’t come out alone. They come out impacted into your bowels, hidden by the bulk of your stool, nothing crazy. Mentally I was pretty down and I wasn’t very talkative during the cleanse. Long story short, I got a ton of candida out and I suffered from a few headaches which is rare for me also I have no idea if I had any mucoid plaque. Plus if you do have any they only come out dead, but when they die they release toxic ammonia into your body that gives you detox symptoms like dizziness, flu symptoms or headaches. That’s why you should be cleansing the colon and releasing the bowels while you parasite cleanse to remove the ammonia and toxins. They go hand and hand and the colon cleanse will eliminate dead parasite casings and toxins that get stuck in your colon. My digestion got better, I wasn’t bloated for the first time in years, I was able to think properly, I felt lighter and happier, for the first time I slept better and best of all my skin cleared up!

Mentally I was able to think properly and I my negative thoughts were reduced dramatically so I started to feel a great shift. I believe the reason for this was because if parasites are present in the body, they produce toxins inside the body, these toxins are in the blood and so the toxic blood can affect the heart. They can also affect the central nervous system. If the toxic blood flows across the myelin sheath that covers the brain, this irritates and triggers the central nervous system (CNS). CNS problems include depression, anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, etc. So removing the parasites this removes the source of the toxins that might be causing the symptoms. The toxin removal is also why in highly toxic individuals the die-off will cause a few days of headaches, mental fog or mood swings all of which will go away once the toxins are gone.

Honestly, the benefits were absolutely endless. I would highly recommend this cleanse to anyone especially for mental health issues, but with a few amendments. If I can do it I believe that you can too! I know that if you have absolutely no support it will be harder for you...but don't give up. Give life a chance. Do what I did and I promise you will see improvement, even if it is small at first.