Surrender Vs Submission
Women are the negative polarity. We are magnestism, embodied. Even our anatomy goes inwards. Where through us, men either enter the garden of paradise or fall into a black hole pit of doom. Both sexes hold the power to transform or destroy the other. Ignorance feels belittled by this truth. The more potent the yin, the stronger the yang must be to stand her tests. For men however, the more potent the yang the more receptive and soothing the yin must be. Together men and women contrain all that is necessary to build one another into their greatest manifestations. Their power simply lies in different places. Men are the powerful scream that has every being to stop and turn. But the woman was the reason for their cry. Our greatest expansion is met when we find the courage to shake hands with fear. To be honest I think we fear nothing more than our own vulnerability. As a female to witness a man conciously invoke this this process and to keep diving in to it, is one of the most awe inspiring and attractive things that I have seen. In the “spiritual” world the whole industry is trying to change or fix something. In judgement of those not “awake” or “concious” or “evolved” . Life is so much better now I have stepped away from it all and mixing with “normal” humans who may not be “awake” or “spiritual” but who have big hearts.
You learn to balance the two energies by changing your perspective of the feminine. The only way to balance them is to see them as equal energies that are of equal importance. Without doing this, you will naturally see one energy as "weaker" and the "weaker" one is what will make you uncomfortable. "Weaker" means "lesser" and no one likes to feel lesser. In order to change your perspective, you have to unlearn what society says about the feminine.
I once struggled with the same thing . To some extent, for example, my emotions made me uncomfortable and that's why growing up I felt dead inside. You see, to be happy and fulfilled, you have to be willing to experience emotions and emotions are traditionally associated with women thus they are stereotyped as more "emotional." Part of being sentient and human is possessing both emotions and reason. Without emotions, you do not feel human and you don't feel alive and happy.
Like I have learned when it comes to my emotions, you cannot become comfortable with the feminine and balance it with the masculine without exposing yourself to it. It helps to re-evaluate how you view femininity, but in order to truly get in balance, you have to also experience your femininity and not be turned away from tapping into it just because of how uncomfortable it makes you. You have to study the feminine, feel the feminine, research the feminine and you have to experience your feminine traits and find a way to view them with more positivity.
As a child I recall myself being sensitive, however I found it hard to express myself. When I’d cry I’d do my best to not show it to anyone. But my others would always label me as “hard” or cold for these reasons, I found it hard to express myself, it wasn’t because I didn’t feel, just very shy and not very expressive. At first I didn’t care, I actually embraced it because I thought it was cool that I seemed different from other girls because I didn’t cry easily (in front of others anyway) I felt people cared less about my feelings because I didn’t show them. I got tired of it, and hurt. So I slowly tried to express myself. Finally when I hit depression my emotional barriers kind of disappeared because when you’re super miserable it’s like you don’t even care what people think anymore. So since then I’ve gotten more used to showing my tears. I used to regret it if I cried in front of others because I showed my vulnerabilities and how they hurt me. I didn’t like to give people that satisfaction lol. You’d be surprised how much happier life can be when we stop worrying about what others are thinking. You just have to let down your barriers or if you don’t want to you don’t have to. You will be able to when you’re ready.
Gender roles reversed…
The reason you can’t find love is because women have been programmed to be masculine. The elites have done this on purpose because women are the bridge to the spiritual realm, women literally bring souls into this realm. Women do not understand their own strength, so they are trying to imitate men. This society is lost because only one gender is fulfilling the role. You see men are the masters of physical realm, they build things with their hands. Women are the masters of the spiritual realm. Women are intuitive and emotionally intelligent. Their purpose is to connect a man’s mind to his heart. Women allow men to escape their logic, a man stays trapped in his mind until he connects with his heart.
Elites do not want this to happen because a spiritually awake person cannot be their slave so they purposely disconnect women from their own divinity. Feminism is a scam because they trick women becoming a part of the masonic wage-slave system, having women join the work force they doubled on all the taxes, while it’s meant to destroy the family unit from the inside out, pinning men against women as long as they don’t reproduce the better. Men and women must unite together if we ever plan to win this spiritual warfare.
Spiritual Warfare…
In many ways porn is kind of like a perverted understanding of traditional masculine and feminine polarity: You have hyper masculine, often brutal, male figures pounding very passive hyper feminine (physically) female figures into submission via the sexual act. You have women being humiliated and doing humiliating things. There isn't anything remotely sacred about the act whatsoever. Where does this come from? I suspect it comes from the total breakdown of healthy, traditional masculine/feminine polarity in our mainstream culture, therefore this shadow side (literally) emerges in this underground movement that so many people are now even addicted to. As traditional masculine values and archetypes have been attacked by some of the misguided aspects of the radical feminist perspective over decades, men are becoming more passive and have been taught to feel shame about their "toxic" masculinity, meanwhile women have been brainwashed into thinking that they have to repress their more feminine attributes and nature to be "more like men." Besides the havoc this has wrecked in male-female heterosexual relationships, we're now seeing how this "disowned" masculinity is emerging unconsciously in mainstream culture in truly toxic ways via porn and political movements like MAGA/Trumpism. Also, we need to look at the rise of corporate Western world and it's own version of "toxic" masculinity, the decline of traditional masculine values/archetypes and healthy ways to express those energies in the community. When I was a kid, there were still positive feminine and masculine archetypes that a I could resonate with in mainstream culture: Characters like Indiana Jones filled those roles, but today, we're mostly left with male anti-heroes, weak, scheming male villains, and strong, warrior-like female characters (nothing wrong with that) like in the recent Star Wars films where you find pretty much no strong male characters and even Luke Skywalker is back to being whining and ineffectual again like in his pre-Jedi days...). Or, you find hugely blown-up hyper masculine parodies of masculinity like "The Rock" and those kinds of over-the-top violent action films and characters, which, again, are probably a reaction. It's jarring to look at strong masculine characters in film in the 1940s-1960s and see how different they are from the parodies of masculinity we see today. Ultimately, if something - like porn - is becoming an "underground sensation," that should tell us something about the state of the dominant, mainstream culture. In this case, it seems to be a symptom of the breakdown of healthy, traditional expressions of masculine and feminine polarity both in media and in daily life due to a lack of religion.
There is a similar pattern in the masculine collective who are taught as young boys not to trust or be angry or sad, beginning to dissolve his ability to trust his own experience of reality. Fast forward years later you have men who are dating the same girl for a year or two and still questioning if they are the one whilst endlessly scrolling on social media nodding their head to similar memes or podcasts. This lack of trust in what he already knows is evident with the way she pushes him for continued clarity. “What are we” becomes consistent check points for him to see a reflection of what direction he feels to go in. Because he doesn’t trust himself, how can he trust another? so he plays a wait and see game. “I want to see how this goes” what he is in essence is saying is “I want something external to help reinforce what I should do” so this then means self sabotaging in order to get an indication of which direction to go. His unconcious behaviour to reach for the external world to indicate where he should go may come in the form of depending on her reactions for clarity on how he should feel towards her. An example of this is if a man who is still sitting on the fence wants to go with the flow to see how things play out may find himself in a situation where her reaction either has him feeling safe to remain in his indecision or it reinforces a sense of closure and confirms his narrative as to why he is questioning the relationship. Basically if she reacts in a perceived negative manner to him sitting on the fence then it provides him with evidence that she may not be the one and translates to “I need to wait and see” or leave. If she reacts positively it alleviates that tension of having to choose a direction providing him more “time” to marinate in self doubt. Both outcomes leading to a dead end.
What people may not see is the way in which the feminine will reflect to the masculine by the state of organisation of his psyche. If she is constantly wanting to know where she stands with him it merely reflects the same tug of war he has with himself in not being able to trust which choice to make. As he goes back and forth with feeling close to her and then closed off he avoids this discomfort of a misaligned reality by numbing with substances, porn disemboidment etc waiting to get more data from her reactions in order to gain clarity. But he cannot avoid this because noone can give you clarity apart from yourself. As the masculine fire of clarity is what the feminine is calling forward, if he is not clear with where he wants to go, how can she be down to follow? So she continues to check him, until either turns away because he isn’t free to marinate in self doubt or he succumbes to falsy claiming her because he has yet to claim himself so a union cannot be created fully. Both roads leading him to look externally for answers while reinforcing the lack of trust within.
The reason why the masculine plays a more important role is purely because the masculine always leads this has been evident in the animal kingdom where male birds create a beautiful nest in order to attract the female mate. She decides what she prefers. The indecisivness man is actually a reflection of you needing external validation. To harmonise this, is to connect with your masculine fire of clarity and not depend on it externally. You are not here to fix anyone or bring anyone into greater awareness, ofcourse both are needed to grow but its never by force. Chasing for a man’s attention at the expense of your own truth only reinforces how unworthy you feel. Continue to align to your own frequency and see how truly worthy you are, two people only come together when they are vibrating on the same frequency.
The notion that a man must evoke a total sense of safety for you to be able to surrender, not only goes against the very definition of surrender but in turn also takes you further away from cultivating this safety within. The man in your life represents an aspect of your conciousness. The degree to which he can fully step into the role he is destined to fill and the union is directly correlated to how open you are to this naturally taking shape. See the divinity in this man and he automatically becomes divine. This is how powerful your thoughts are. The very lense in which you view your union with is how you will experience it. If each gender views the other as their highest version of themselves, only then can a fulfulling relationship evolve and can truly embody that “#couplegoals” type of relationship. If you can surrender and trust that God is working through this man at all times, then everything he does or doesn’t do, is in essence God’s expression leading this man to embody all that he is. Your mind does not carry the capacity to hold the true image of what this man is stepping into. It is for this reason that when you are trying to force or control him into taking a specific shape, that you actually mute the potentiality of what is being offered to you from the heavens. If you truly believe that the masculine’s role is to support, protect, provide for, lead then trust that he is being led to this organically without you needing to actively mold it. The wounds of your inner masculine have created this distorted sheild around your heart that operates under a frequency of conditional love. And it is stemmed from childhood. This is why you see a man with flaws that need your correcting it provides you the opportunity to either remove these conditions and surrender to the fullness of what is expressing through him, or to live in a state of perpetual misery as the next set of reasons to be displeased constantly reveal themselves. If your state of being is dependent on this man then you completely lose scope of just how powerful you are. The feminine sets the frequency and the masculine follows. This is why it is importnant to speak your truth, honor your boundaries and ask for what you need within the relationship. For the man to be able to support you knowing what you need to vital for him to fill this role. When you speak your truth from a soul aligned centre, it provides him with the information from your soul for him best lead this union. If you cannot feel God working through this man then you will not feel God working through you. There is no separation, it’s all an illusion. Know that this man is being led to exactly where he is best suited to help anchor in this frequency through this union. A crown is not given to just any man. You can call a man a King as though you believe your words will magically transform him into one. A kingdom is not given. It’s earned. It’s claimed. Why would he even need to change if you’re calling him a King as he runs around town like a jester? Instead of honoring him you need to honor yourself and being a Queen is a priority. Only then you will know what a real King is. Your triggers, energetic agitation and overall state of being is a product of the beliefs and templates you embody. The stories you have about your partner are a projection through these templates. Your templates will form the lense through which you receive and experience your partner. Events will play out in your relationship that are meant to reveal aspects of self. Think of these events as providing you more pieces of the puzzle. The very nature of a concious partnership is to expand your conciousness. On a soul level, you chose this person to be exactly how they are. To only accept certain aspects of your partner and turn away from others is in essence to turn away from those very same aspects of yourself. You did not come into the union to change another person. You came into the union to experience love that changes you. And through the union reflection that you partner provides can you reclaim those aspects of self that have only ever experiences love through conditions.
Alpha, Beta, Gamma…
Vox Day’s sociosexual hierarchy is actually worth understanding and gives incredible insight into the different groupings of men within society. ( The trickiest and most difficult of all is the gamma male. They are classed as the “secret kings”. They are known to be the b**chy knowitalls amongst men with scathing vengeful tendencies and an often high IQ. The gamma is the intellectual online troll. It’s such a hilarious archetype at this point—we all know one public figure. The Gamma Male is the feminisation of men and the diary of the Gamma Male is now the internet. It’s such a valuable tool when navigating society and understanding people and what drives them and makes them behave in certain ways that are at times really difficult to understand. As women and mothers it’s important to understand what creates the Gamma male. It’s parenting. An absent/negligent father and an overbearing mother.
What is the truth?
I despise the term “truther” it’s cheapened what is the most soul-enriching, sometimes tormenting even hallowing and yet life-affirming, divinity-connecting, heart-consolidating experience of all- the search for Truth. All words taken by people who mostly have no idea what they’re talking about but wish to wear an outfit - the verbal costume of a once somewhat underground group of people who were actually on to something and cheapened by the act of their premature adoption. We all know the pseudo-spiritual types. Thanks to the internet, we now have pseudo truth seekers too, Who believes almost anything they find online if it’s presented in a “truther” context. Who don’t give their subject it’s due-diligence. Who jump onto any bandwagon that allow a fantasy to ferment.
Who would you be without anyone to save? Love is an open space of graceful surrender. Attachment is a closed space of dominating control. The former uses power to flow and the latter uses force. At a soul level the masculine does not desire the feminine to surrender in order for his life to be easier. He understands that surrender comes from her own free will and a practice when she is devoted to herself and God. The embodied masculine man can create a sense of safety within his union that mirrors the safety he has cultivated within himself. He doesn’t depend on the external feminine’s ability to surrender to his lead as an indication of how worthy he is. He is anchored in his own certainty and sense of self worth and the surrender of the feminine is the gift she offers herself. The masculine is the honored guest, granted the opportunity to witness her opening, spiritually and physically to result in the most enthralling union.
God has the most hilarious way of throwing the most tremendous curveballs and whipping storylines out for your script you literally never saw coming. And wild they are. Not always good, not always bad… but totally unexpected and unpredictable. So often devastatingly heart-wrenching and soul-shaking. Life truly is simply just the experience of feeling. Allowing life to flow through you and past you and the privilege of being able to observe it all and feel it all and witness it all and understand it all (well, kinda!). What is life other than the reaction to the storm of thoughts and feelings blowing through one’s mind and heart?
I think the point of life is just this. To make mistakes, certainly. To f**k up, definitely. But to keep going. To keep trying, always. To learn. To grow. To become older and uglier but wiser. To love harder. To feel deeper. To see God at every turn.
Our culture loves to encourage the numbing of feeling. The disassociation from experiences deemed undesirable or unpleasant.
But I think that’s as much the point as it is to experience desirable and pleasant things too. And so that’s why the pharmaceutical industry with all it’s insidious depression meds and anxiety pills are so harmful.
Because they’re deducting from the God-given ability to FEEL it all. Even the worst feelings. And work through them. Because they’re part of it. They’re all part of it.
That’s what life is for I think. For feeling. I really think it’s as simple as that. And I think if you can’t feel and you can’t cry… if you can’t laugh? If you can’t feel anger or pain or love and joy… you’re already dead.
And these emotions have a sacred function — they’re signals we must pay attention to. They indicate where something is not right or needs to be worked on or changed or let go of or understood better. Not numbed out or repressed.
Crying is such a precious thing. Laughter is straight up an echo of God. Loving is truly all that matters ultimately and so do whatever makes your heart feel full. Feel alive. Through the medium of your heart. This is a 5 a.m morning transmission. I know I’ve already realised this one hundred times before but it’s been powerfully reinforced recently.