Marshmellow was first used by the Greeks and Egyptians almost 3000 years ago. But by holistics today, marshmallow root is most commonly used for dry coughs, sore throats and reduction of inflammation, to break up mucous and to kill bacteria.

Having a leaky gut is a consequence of having candida and/or parasites. Candida causes a leaky gut because when it becomes systemic, it grows some kind of tendrils that drill through the intestinal walls and cause severe inflammation. These intestinal walls become porous and undigested particles of food leak outside the intestines and this in turn causes malabsorption of food, multiple allergies that tax the liver, etc. Marshmallow not only engulfs the undigested food particles, but also bacteria and dead cell tissues too.

Your gut is like your second brain and if it is leaky and inflamed from eating crappy and drinking fizzy drinks, then chances are you could suffer depression, suffer food intolerances, acid reflux and even autism. Internally, marshmallow root’s gooey texture coats the gut lining and its this what gives you clear skin. Individuals who have numerous allergies to foods, such as gluten, diary etc, that were well tolerated before, often suffer from having a leaky gut. As after all when we are born we are given everything we need including a strong gut, it only when we are conditioned, due to whatever reason, our eating habits change. But there is hope because bone broth, L Glutamine and probiotics can help seal the gut! It takes a long time to heal as the wounds in the intestinal area are notoriously very long but totally worth it.

Marshmellow root’s mucilaginous properties has also been used to treat ulcerative colitis, ulcers, Crohn’s, heartburn and kidney stones. Many who’ve suffered from interstitial cystitis find complete relief from symptoms by drinking marshmallow daily and those who have had menopause because the reduced estrogen causes oil glands in the skin to shrink causing drier body parts. The mucilage itself does not digest until it reaches the colon, making it a prebiotic so it’s best to drink it in the morning. It has a soft, earthy texture and does not taste sweet but is rather smooth.

To make, simply take 1/2 cup of marshmellow root and 5 cups of water to a boil in the pot and drink. The longer the marshmellow root is absorbed in the water the better. P.S this stuff ridiculously expensive to buy in Holland and Barrett and is worth buying in bulk online!