Liver Flush…
The liver flush is a procedure designed for cleansing the liver and the gallbladder. It usually includes drinking some oil and some fruit juice. Beside oil and juice, different recipes are asking for taking other drinks, like Epsom Salt (Magnesium sulfate) or Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Chloride or egg yolks. The liver flush usually takes only 16 hours of your evening and your night, but you are suppose to repeat the procedure every two-four weeks to achieve maximum benefits. A single liver flush may improve your health for the next few weeks. A series of 5-15 liver flushes done every 2-3 weeks, can improve your health for the next several months or even several years and can help you cure some of the worst "incurable diseases" like life-long psoriasis, eczema, cystic acne, seborrheic dermatitis, fatty liver, gallstones attack, Parkinson's disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, peeling lips (exfoliative cheilitis), extreme body odor, candida fungal infection, PCOS, MS, PMS, CFS, ME, clinical depression, etc
The Most Simple Liver Flush and Gallbladder Flush recipe
This is the most simple recipe, and is god enough for relatively healthy kids, teenagers and relatively healthy young adults who only suffer from some less serious health problems like teen acne, child eczema, smely sweat, child seborrheic dermatitis, peeling lips, arm pain, shoulder pain, dry skin, cracked nails, weak hair, ring worm, pinworms, etc. If you are a healthy young person, no serious health conditons, just some annoying skin, face, nail or hair problems, this recipe is good enough for you.
Ingredients (The Most Simple Liver Flush):
1. one large grapefruit or 2 smaller grapefruits, enough to squeeze 1/2 cup of fresh juice ( other fruit can be used! )
2. 1/2 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil ( or any other natural oil )
Body weight and the dose relation:
If you are a small child or a small adult, you can drink half of this dose. You are considered small, if your body weight is below 30-40 kg (60 - 80 lbs).
If you are afraid to do liver flush, you can also try 1/2 of the full adult dose.
If you are extremely afraid to do liver flush, you can try 1/4 of the full adult dose.
If your body weight is between 30kg(60 lbs) and 60kg (120 lbs), you can drink 2/3 of this amount.
If your body weight is between 60kg(120 lbs) and 90kg (200 lbs), you can drink the complete 1 cup of the mixture.
If your body weight is over 90kg (200 lbs), you can drink more than 1 cup of the mixture, but not the first time you are doing the liver flush. The first time you are doing the liver flush it is more then enough to drink 1 cup of the mixture.
The day of the flush: eat light breakfast and a light lunch, not much fat, not much spices. Do not eat anything after 2pm (14:00).
You can drink water after 2 pm, but do not eat, and do not take any food or any pills or vitamins after 2pm. Do not do any strenous exercises. Choose a day like Saturday, day when you have nothing difficult to do. You can walk, but don't run. Do not drink water or anything else after 7pm (19:00). If you are very thisty, you can drink small amount of water. It is important that you are both thisty and hungry in the evening. That will make it possible to drink the juice with oil and to enyoj it.
At 9:55 pm (21:55) squeeze fresh juice from the grapefruit. You don't need a juicer. You can squeeze the juice by using you hands and a spoon. Blend 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed juice with 1/2 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Drink the mixture slowly at 10pm ( 22:00 ).
Walk out slowly for one to two hours making sure you are not feeling like throwing up the mixture. Try to burp, if you feel heavy in your stomach.
Make sure you do not have a lot of gas in your stomach, before you go to sleep. Around midnight go to sleep. The day after you may have loose stool or diarrhea. Some of those smaller objects may pass through that have existed in your liver or your gallbladder in that size or shape, while some of the larger objects may have been formed overnight in your intestines from the bile and smaller objects flushed out by your liver and your gallbladder.
Repeat this procedure every 2-3 weeks, to completely cure food intolerance, acne, peeling lips, dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, keratosis pilaris,pinworms, topical steroids addiction, alcohol addiction, etc.
Can it be done at other times? Can it be done in the morning, or during the day?
Yes, you can do it in the morning. You can drink the mixture in the morning, You should have at least 2 hours to slowly walk after you drink the cup with oil-juice mixture. Walking helps digest the juice.
Can I use juice from some other fruit?
Yes, you can use: lemons, limes, oranges, pomelo, pineapple, granate apple, acid apple juice, grape juice etc.
Can I use some other oil?
Yes, you can use sunflower oil, corn oil, vegetable oil etc.
Does oil passes through the liver and the gallbladder?
Not immediately after being consumed. Oil actually goes through intestines just alike any other food we consume, and while it is inside our stomach and inside our duodenum, it stimulates liver to produce more bile and it stimulates gallbladder (if you still have it) to squeeze itself and to empy its content into the duodenum. But, after the oil have been digested and fatty acids have been absorbed into the blood stream, fatty acids are carried by the blood stream (portal vein) directly into the liver, so on the long run, oil actually enters the liver, caried by blood.
Please note:
Liver cleansing recipe is the same as gall bladder cleansing recipe!
Cleansing of both organs is achieved by the same procedure