resumed from here…In the Qu’ran the “fu’ad” is the heart of the nafs meaning that it cannot be experienced through the physical realm. It describes the spiritual heart and occurs sixteen times in the Qu’ran.
“Fu’ad” is the hearts intuition, it derives from the term “Fuadaa” which means to roast, to put flesh on high temperature. Any extreme emotions that we feel, we are using our fu’ad, when using normal emotions we use our qalb. We will be questioned about our fu’ad on Judgement Day so if we have said things during extreme anger, etc. and we have not asked God for forgiveness this will be taken into account and we will be interrogated. Faith should always be buttressed with wisdom, intelligence and vision. Faith alone is dangerous. Faith that you can jump off a high rise building and not die because God will catch you is damnable. Faith cannot undo natural law, but must work in accordance and harmony with natural law.
"I deleted all my social media accounts, and I regreted it." - Said no one ever.
Imagine if the whole internet just ceased to exist. The world would go wild. People would literally not know what to do with their lives and that's really sad to think about it. We often tend to forget that there was a time when all this was non existent and people were just fine. I'm talking about algorithms that deliberately set up people in "bubbles" which determine what news they get (even if it's some underage teenager in America writing fake news which Facebook (which now owns Instagram) then sends to those it detects as wanting to believe that).On top of the damage that does by itself, it also makes it almost impossible to have a reasonable discussion with individuals from another bubble because they're operating with a completely different assumptions that they mistake for objective reality. This means that they're mostly stuck in the bubble they're assigned for maximum revenues which further divides us as a community as we're deliberately being made scared and angry for more ad revenue with conflicting narratives that we assume everyone else is getting rather than what we as individuals are being singled out for (and the UK isn't the only one suffering this effect, nor is it just UK companies exploiting Facebook or the like for politics and other nefarious purposes). Put in a very simple metaphor, it's like they reinforce that the grass is green to one bubble and yellow to another and then try to get them both mad at the other bubble for believing what they do, it all spreads over Facebook (what makes people angry is the most likely to be shared) which generates more ad revenue, in addition to other agendas. And that's the simplified version of what I mean.
Also, shame itself (along with self-righteous outrage) has become another commodity in which social media has deliberately set their algorithms to spread misery this way for profit as well. There are many public figures who know how the game works and manipulate the mass for revenue. Many represent society's propensity toward gluttony, excess and narcissism in the pursuit of social clout and adoration. And some of those use the strategy of allowing other creators to use their content. Most creators are copyright striking anyone who uses their content. But some, on the other hand, promote it, which leads to thousands of accounts broadcasting this message across all platforms, making them un-cancelable and taking their message to each and every eyeball that’s staring at a screen pretty much. The simplicity of it is genius for “public figures”. Online is different from real life in that the more extreme, aggressive, and over the top you are, the more reward you get with the likes, forwarded and all that. In real life there are many social cues in place to curb that. So not only are you not seeing a face to empathise with online, you're actually rewarded for being a ridiculous ******* . (And that's too bad because a lot of real problems become muddied or even automatically discounted. Men and women face unique problems and terrible treatment. But because of the loudest voices and the kinds of people they tend to be, the issue becomes poisoned before it can even be properly addressed in a meaningful way.) Recently, Dua Lipa rejected to perform in Qatar to fill her “human rights” pledge but she still has a contract with Puma so where’s her support for Palestinians? She performed in Dubai where the same rules apply. This is a Western lense once again, trying to run a smear campaign towards a Muslim country. Where was this energy towards Brazil or Russia? It’s the same story everytime when it’s towards Western countries.
We are giving random people a platform and more credibility than those who have real knowledge and wisdom. You got an idea how to handle it? I sure don't. Their sites could be shut down but they'd move to the Dark Web where there is very little control (and the Dark Web itself can't be shut down without essentially collapsing society as we currently know it, though a solar flare will probably destroy it via the satellites for us one day which will cause wailing and gnashing of teeth as well as a multitude of disasters, and yet might prove to be a blessing in disguise).
The presence of Incels is a good way to scare and anger people, too and Google love that. That keeps you glued and the ad revenue making more money. Why would they shut them down? For the common good? Don't be ridiculous. The common good is Wall Street. In the USA they’ll literally cheer the Dow and GNP even though inflation is still giving a lower standard of living (just another example of how thoughts shape reality, even in defiance of objective facts). So Incels are here to stay, at least until they become more unprofitable (in which case they move to the Dark Web, where I'm sure many already are on their "BlackBook" and like).
The governments as well as the marketers don't give a damn about our well being, but more so how they can profit from us. The anger and alienation makes better consumers than those who are content and happy with their lives. The angry will spread articles that make them angry and also comment inciting others to comment, and all that makes bank through ad revenues. Not that they control all of it, but they do what they can and exploit the rest to the best of their ability. The machine decides who sees your post and what gets amplified. The machine decides whether or not you post or even your account can stay online. The machine decides what you see. You don’t own your audience. You sublimate your will to those companies, you’re in a cage.
Deeper Impact…
There are two fairly universal spiritual teachings out there which are connected to each other. There is the deeper, metaphysical law that applies to all dimensions/levels that a number of religions and beliefs reference to, and which can be summed up in, "Like attracts, begets, resonates with, and likes like". Then there is the corollary teaching, that the source of something tends to have a continued influence/vibration in that pattern.
Everything has it's own vibratory pattern, which is either slow vibratory, middle vibratory or fast vibratory. The faster the vibration, the more positive and attuned to pure love it becomes. Conversely, the more slow vibratory, the more entropy, chaotic, more negative, and/or lacking in attunement to love something becomes.
Take Ouija board for example. Just a game yeah? Yes, and yet, many people have reported attracting rather slow vibratory type nonphysicals. The kind that like to mess with people. Former psychopaths and malignant narcissists when they were in the body (still are, and may be worse than when they were in the body).
Could a fast vibratory person, with positive intentions use it to communicate with a fast vibratory consciousness? Yes, probably technically. But what is the trend and pattern? What is the energy and vibration of Ouija? It's slow vibratory. It's slow vibratory because it's a shallow game that touches on spirituality in a very shallow and limited manner, and so many people have used it in such a lacking in reverence, lacking in deeper understanding, kind of a flippant way and a non spiritually attuned way. Over time, it's built up it's own connected vibratory pattern, which we could call the "spirit of Ouija". A collective energy/vibratory field, and one that tends towards distortion, limitation, slow vibrations and manifests this as often attracting ignorant or meddling, negative, deceptive, ill intentioned nonphysicals.
Likewise, Instagram (and other social media apps) has a slow vibratory pattern attached to the same, because of it's origins and how most use it. Can you bypass that, yes, technically, but first you have to be conscious of that potential influence to begin with, and you have to consciously use it in a faster vibratory manner. Some do, many do not. Its vibratory field does have an influence and subtle effect, whether one is conscious to this or not. Even if it's just peoples addictions to that dopamine hit of, "people are liking what I uploaded". Sensitives will be more so aware of these deeper, more subtle patterns. Most others not so much. Reality is more shades of gray than stark black and white. There are some psychologically trained and astute people out there that have come to the conclusion that much of social media, rather than being a unifying medium and tool, is actually one that facilitates much of the polarisation and divisiveness between people that we are seeing more and more of. And there are some who don’t seem the harm of it all as long as it’s used with moderation. Especially politically and left vs right stuff. These sides can barely even have a civil conversation anymore, without it denigrating to personal insults, name calling, belittling. At least in America, people are more polarised than they ever have been and pundits say that social media and the forces behind same are a big part of that.
Other studies found people on their phone all the time (that is social media) are more and more lonely. And they see all the pictures people post of how good their lives supposedly are and rather than realising that these are moments, (and may even be completely fraudulent) the viewer on the phone is comparing their own life and feeling like a loser for not having as much fun or having as much real life friends.
Of course they can then go to commiserate with others who are also adversely affected by social media and/or enraged (as they're meant to be) by marketers and media wanting to keep people hooked, making them bank through ad revenues and plenty of those groups seek out others. The Incels are just one such group, and there are some others remarkably similar to them in toxicity and alienating language that they bond themselves in (though most lack the homicidal nature of them).
Being Jupiter ruled (Venus in Saggy) with Venus in Scorp means that any kind of physical activity outdoors is essential because the planet is expansive in nature. So messaging back and forth about something mundane is a real vibe killer we prefer to show our loved ones how much we mean to them physically in the most passionate way. The ultimate turn on is being confident and physically showing us. Does social media promote this? Clearly not, well maybe in an immoral and disrespectful way, but not on a soul level, because that’s what society is teaching us. Perhaps Tik Tok intially promoted this with dance routines. And other apps have created groups to encourge others to say join a marathon. In terms of real knowledge and spiritual subjects, social media teaches you the watered version. Different signs will use it for different purposes without getting too deep I’ll leave it there. Ultimately, we are here to learn, grow, evolve, share and expand our higher knowledge.
I have personally found internet detoxes necessary for my mental health. I have felt lonely and depressed when I have scrolled constantly looking at everyones amazing lives and being socially isolated due to where I live doesn’t help, although it has been good at times to interact with others. But communicating over a phone does not realistically allow you to form a proper bond especially when strangers that “like” or “comment” live overseas. When I’m on holiday I have very little time online and the entire world looks so different when I come back. What is a big deal online just isn't in the real world. No one is original. Everyone tries to be different but ends up doing the same thing and so creativity loses its value. It can dumb people down as people aren't able to really think for themselves, think critically or express themselves. Everyone looks the same. If you try to be someone else, you’ll become nobody at all. The only great person you have the possibility of becoming is the highest version of yourself and that is a pretty great person. Having social media is not “bad” as per say and does not translate to “I’m better than you because I don’t have it” so there is a fine line between not using social media for our ego and not using social media to better ourselves. Yeah, I’ll create some receipe reels here and there with my music but my hobby of cooking and baking isn’t the same when I’m recording every step. I’ve learnt that time here on earth is too short and focusing on what’s everlasting is key. From time to time Instagram has been useful to check restaurant reviews, receipes, heath related posts, for memes and music. Sometimes the soul is torn asunder by seeing and not doing, yet this is a necessary step in the evolution of the soul. But not when you are a child, all children do is see and this is where it gets dangerous. Parents have been conditioned to give their children a smart phone if they are upset, angry, sleepy, happy etc.
When a child is angry most psychologist and parenting experts will convince you to carry out the Time Out method. This is basically when the mother withdraws the relationship from the child as a way of threatening the child so that the threat will make the child comply with you. Sure the child will comply temporarily but what you have taught the child is that the relationship is conditional. That they are only acceptable to you if they please you. Also you’ve taught them that relationships are unstable and unreliable. They have now learnt that you’re not available for them when they are most upset. So this translates to the child “when I’m the most unhappy thats when my mother will be least available to me” and this is how parents are taught. The same child grows through adulthood unconciously believing “when I’m vulnerable, my partner will leave me”, because conditional love has been embedded so the ego overpowers them. Also parents are told not to pick up the child when they're crying which means that you are teaching that their emotions don’t matter. Real relationship do not depend on words, they depend on the capacity to be with. And they can sense just that energy from you, that’s what the child needs and it’s communicated with body language and everything. The energy they accumulate is felt, ofcourse the child can’t name it but they can feel it all.
Children are born full of honesty and pure energy. It is culture that teaches children that these are not valuable. There is a huge difference between enabling the child (just giving them what they want so they stop) versus supporting them through emotional distress to teach them to self regulate while not forcing them to suppress their emotions. You may think children act better when they get shouted/hit at after they throw tantrums for small things, but then why do you think so many people don’t know how to handle difficult life situations and go through depression and anxiety? Not being able to form healthy relationships because it has been rooted in them at an early age that their love is conditional. Because they learnt to suppress rather than self regulate. The adult then believes that the heavy emotions are there to punish him/her when infact they are there to be heard, seen and felt so they can transmute and integrate them instead of keeping them stagnated. If you are proactive you lead, if you are reactive you follow, if you lead you have an easy life because you are training the child, but if you follow you have a hard life because the child is training you. For example, when a child is crying you need to pick him/her up because it will help them become confident and know that they are supported. It's a choice you make. The child will sense this and will have learnt that there is no reason to keep crying. Children are ultimately mind-readers. They intuit everything. I once heard a therapist say that the best thing parents can do for their kids is love each other because they can sense it. We must make our understanding of the significance of our role in our children’s lives so profound that we are deeply present, engaged and attentive for the whole experience. Instead of seeing children as some sort of inconvenience that needs to be escaped. There are also the dynamics of the dysfunctional family where the emotional climate revolves around one person who tends to have the highest need for constant attention. Anyone who stops feeding into this pattern becomes the black sheep who faces rejection, shame or ridicule. It’s very likely that the primary caregiver takes away toys, rages at the child, criticises their looks, competes and abuses the child emotionally and can control them physically by trapping him/her in the room etc. This is also common with siblings and it goes beyond than just “sibling rivalry” and the effects are just as psychologically detrimental. The more emotionally mature the child is, the more likely they are to be seen as the black sheep. This is because the parent isn’t able to enmesh the child, so instead they are excluded. How do you change this? Taking accountability is the foundation of genuine change. If you were raised in a house where you were spoiled, you chose a program that spoiling children is normalised and how they should be raised. If it was the opposite you take accountability to change that, is it difficult? Absolutely, but you take small steps at a time to break the generational toxicity. Moving out is a game changer. My heart breaks for those children who’s parents are just itching to offload them to someone else. Anyone else. Even a predator in disguise at school where this creepy creeperson above can creep in and tell them creepy bedroom tales dressed up in literal fetish gear. Fetish and children. What a mix.
To conclude…
If Youtube is social media, it deserves a category of it’s own. It feels different, I learn so much from YouTube and find some great documentaries, reviews and music. It can be addictive and algorithmic, however, it being independent from the grasps mainstream media is so beneficial. It doesn’t feel as corrupted as Instagram and I don’t have all the other nonsense apps to compare but I can imagine the effects will be the same. Infact I have been watching really informative Islamic videos from Youtube which has been making me feel at much peace. But unfortunately this still coincides with my other Youtube tabs which are not Islamically related. As the internet and real life merge more and more, thoughts really will one day create literal reality (at least our perception of it which can have drastic consequences) and Judgement Day will really will be here. There is no loyalty or humanity, just AI and investors that push what they think will make them the most money.
Before we can be willing to do, we must be willing to see. We cannot prepare to do the higher good before we have seen the deeper evil. And we cannot consent to both simultaneously. We can only consent to see. How negative, or positive social media (or anything for that matter) is totally dependent on how you decide to use it. So enjoy the present moments in real life, have fun and brace yourself for that brave new world, the perfect time to dive deep into your deen! Even if it is by yourself it doesn’t matter.