Down the rabbit hole…


One way to visualize this process is to take a clock mechanism containing several gears of varying size. If you mark the gears at their starting point and start the clock running, you will notice that some of the gears will complete a full cycle in short order, while others will move more slowly. This is symbolic of how the transiting planets move through your natal chart. For our purposes here I will define the “Outer” Planets as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Nodes and Chiron.

  • Conjunction – 0 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. The conjunction symbolises energies creating union and perfect togetherness between the planets. Obviously, at birth all planets are in conjunction with your natal chart. At that point you are purely your birth potential. As each outer planet moves away from this perfect union, they begin to form aspects with other planet energies in your chart, and you begin to be affected by these different energies. One or more times in your life, most planets will complete a 360 degree transit and move into what is called a “Return”. Some will never complete 360 degrees, because of their slow moment through the sky. Planets not only transit natal planets, but they move into and out of natal houses. As the transiting planet crosses the exact degree of a natal planet, house or point, it starts a process or series of developments into motion. The nature of this process is in accordance with the nature of the transiting planet and the natal planets and the houses being transited. For example, Jupiter transiting natal Venus indicates that Venus’s natural energy would be expressed with a more Jupiter energy during this period.

  • Sextile - 60 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. Sextiles are somewhat weaker than other aspect angles, but when occurring with other aspects can be very powerful. Sextiles require initiative on the part of the individual, unlike some other aspects. Energies at play here indicate opportunities for growth in the transiting planet’s house, but without the individual’s active participation, may have no affect at all.

  • Square – 90 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. This aspect indicates dynamic change and instability in one’s life. As such, it can be rather difficult to handle unless you are aware of it and it’s affects knowing that you take use the energy as a learning curve. Conflicts occurs here because of rigid view of reality and one’s ego attachment to material rather than spritual concepts. This transit indicates that there is a struggle going on with the energies expressed by the house of the transiting planet.

  • Trine – 120 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. This aspect indicates a balanced and creative flow of the transiting planets positive energy to the areas of life indicated by the transiting planet’s house placement.

  • Opposition – 180 degrees separating the transiting planets and the natal planet/point. The energies of the transiting planet conflict with the natal planet/point energies creating conflict or difficulties in the natal planet’s house between the two.

If approached as a language (not a science, religion or dogma), astronomy can be used to decipher the archetypal, symbolic meaning of these worldly events. When the positions of these transiting planets or transits are superimposed we can discover where and how these shocks and their effects are impacting our collective lives at least. 

I cannot deny that all tragedies that have occured during a significant astrological alignment involving an opposition between Saturn and Pluto. For example Pluto was opposite Eris when the Vietnam war commenced between 1976-1978 and the Korean War between 1950-1953. This current third world war is a spiritual and psychological one. But lets break it down who is Eris? Eris is another planet which is bigger than Pluto there was a whole debate about whether this should be classed as the tenth planet but ofcourse this was did not happen. In Greek mythology, Eris is sinister and mean and her greatest joy is to make trouble therefore representing a rebellious attitude. However, there is a good and bad Eris but the whole energy is essentially about ethics and karma. “Bad” Eris is a “lawless strife” which has no regard for others, whilst the “good” Eris energy abides by natural justice and is stirred into serious and purposeful action. In fact all planets have double-edged meanings and their interpretation can be given both a positive and negative spin and their significance on our ego-complexes and is usually a mixture of both. And we all have them it just depends where it is and if they are hindering any houses, asteroids or nodes. Saturn and Eris were colliding during the pandemic so personally and collectively everyone was ready for a major reality check around facing the consequences of how we have been exercising, or avoiding, our will to power. 

Another few examples of outer planets (slow moving planets) include when Saturn was in retrograde (going backwards) during the Pearl Harbour incident and when Princess Diana died. Neptune was in Pisces during the pandemic and also went into retrograde so it was a good time to determine what was real, the utopian ideals of Communism emerged when Marx and Engels first published “The Communist Manifesto”. Interestingly, in Victorian England, opium use was acceptable and legal. You can google each planet to understand what they represent to get an idea of each like Pluto represents the decay and eventual disappearance of the old in preparation for the new. 

I think that when Pluto enters Aquarius we're going to start seeing more of the transhuman "agenda". People have been saying that we are in the Age of Aquarius and although that is false, I think Pluto transit through Aquarius will be more related to what they thought the age of Aquarius would be. I'm sure we can all agree that our society is crumbling, globally but specifically in the United States and since we are currently in our Pluto Return (and will still be when Pluto enters Aquarius), we can expect to see some drastic changes around the beginning. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was just after the Revolutionary War. Of course, Pluto transits represents an entire generation worth of time. I think this is around the time when we will see people living ninety percent of their lives on the “Metaverse”. As well as using newly introduced technology such as brain implants, implanted chips for indentity/currency/health, you know all the good stuff.

Thr Jews introduced gematria (esoteric geometry) by using the creators nature intent with words, as seen most recently Mark Zuckerberg, changed his site name “Facebook” to "Metaverse" for that very reason. The word “Facebook” has a lower a numerical value of one hundred and seven whereas the word “Metaverse” has a higher value of one thousand and sixteen. Words sharing the same numeric value are viewed as having an identical essence on a higher level of meaning. So shockingly “Metaverse” and the phases “ten days of darkness”, “lose yourself”, “dividing times” and “better be alone than abused” are one because they share the same one thousand and sixteen value!

Morden rulerships of Aquarius are almost drastically different than traditional rulerships. Saturn vs Uranus. Control vs anarchy. I think as a collective there will be a drastic divide between people wanting to stick to traditions like the nuclear family and working hard etc, while the other half will demand progressiveness and to completely destroy our society as it is and make new standards. This is clear encapsulation of one the signs of the Day of Judgement, the hadith literature (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH) provides plenty of minor and major signs. Also, since we are currently experiencing a workers revolution, I believe there is also a possibility that a lot of jobs will be taken over by tech/robots/automated systems weeding out human interaction/human error. And, if you havent already, take a look at the AI robots they are completing after a decade of research. This is frightening.

We've already seen how "Science" has been essentially turned into a belief system and blind trust and in some cases even produced a cult-like following which is definitely Pluto territory. When people experience that mind-breaking destruction (pluto) of their core fundamental belief systems (capricorn), they feel psychologically broken. Which is what I think will lead to the copius amounts of escapism including drugs, suicide, seeking pleasure anywhere and most importantly seeking false prophets. If we want to get real esoteric with it, I would say Pluto in Aquarius is when the rise of thee "anti-christ" would unfold. Parents are already abusing their children by essentially competeing in the “Woke” Olympics and posting about how their two year old likes barbies so they will be referring to him as "she" now. Letting 14 year olds get double masectomies or permanently mutilate their genitals. Pluto in Aquarius will be devastating for those who have succumbed to the demonic plutonian destruction of the psyche.


The progressed moon chart and the progressed planet, simply shows the current moon/planet sign for that duration. The Moon controls your emotional life. The progressed Moon determines the cycles of your emotional needs which drives everything. But if someone is emotionally unstable or has not evolved from their life lessons, nothing will make sense, no planets, transits alignments etc will make a difference.

Along with your natal moon, the progressed Moon is in each sign for two-and-a-half years, and it takes the Moon twenty - eight to thirty years to go through all the signs and houses. During this time, you have a chance to experience all of the signs emotionally and to integrate them into your personality. That, coupled with Saturn transiting through all the signs and houses during the same twenty-eight-year period, brings a new level of maturity whether that be personally or for the collective. Both the Moon and Saturn return to their natal positions by progression at roughly the same time—at about age twenty-eight. The beauty of the progressed Moon is that by age twenty eight you've had the ability to experience the wide spectrum of emotions of every sign and house. You've stood in other people's shoes emotionally and hopefully given a greater understanding of others' emotional needs. My moon was in progressed sign of Taurus during the pandemic which meant that it was natural for me to feel emotionally nourished when cooking, in addition Venus rules Taurus and Libra so it was natural for me to utilise my “venesian” energy. To stress, one can be a natal moon in Leo but if that is sitting in a house like the eighth house it can mean the individual will have moon in Scorpio tendencies because the natural ruler for eighth house is Scorpio. Another example is if your other progressed planets are in a different sign than your natal planets. It gets even more complicated when you look at the degrees and any asteroids also hitting that. This is why it's prejudice if you keep judging people on signs or natal charts from basic knowledge that you get from Tiktok, Instagram or even websites, society indicates that every one is a pre programmed computer because they haven't grown and a lot of people I know, myself including no longer resonate with their natal chart. This supports the nature and nurture theory because, if you are brought up with 3 individuals with a Scorpio stellium (4 or more planets in that sign) then the chances are that you will have Scorpionic traits.

Queen Elizabeth died when the progressed Sun in Leo was in two degrees and was forming a parallel aspect with her natal Moon in Leo twelve degrees. Her ascendent ruler, which is Saturn was parallel transiting Saturn. A long, protracted exit, which is fitting for a Saturn ruled chart considering that there were reports of her health fluctuating. Her Sun had just entered her eight house (things we don't have control over like death, even physically). The Moon in Aquarius also opposed her natal Moon in Leo in the eighth house and transiting Pluto in her first house was contra-parallel (two planets having the same number of degrees on different sides) progressed Venus (ruler of progressed ascendent)!

Natal Aspects

The nodes and any angles with an inner and outer planet create an aspect. The outer planet will have the upper hand since they are generational and can block the inner planet. Those who have Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the same sign within a certain time will have the same morals/principles because they are generational planets.

I will use an extreme example, if one has a natal moon in cancer (natural ruler) but has a natal moon square pluto aspect, it will mean that pluto will destroy the moons ability to feel emotions. One cannot express it positively without going through some harsh experiences that teaches the individual about the emotional side and how destructive it can be. Moon in aspect to Pluto is not like a Scorpio Moon, the dynamics are different. Let me give you a detailed example. A Scorpio Moon is very sensitive and reactive, their emotions are quite easily triggered but they don't necessarily seek to repress them. A Moon in aspect to Pluto still has the characterisitcs of the sign it's in, but these traits can be taken to an extreme and become an obsessive focus for the individual, a compulsion. If it was Neptune (fantasty, deception) then one would be wearing rose-coloured glasses for most of the time or always being in dreamland. Many people go through transits where they are smitten by a lover because they are not seeing them for who they actually are and nine out of ten times it’s due to Neptune adding a foggy layer. What’s funny is once the transit is over they are no longer attracted! But Pluto adds a layer of depth and intensity to the emotions no matter what sign the Moon is in. Basically what happens, especially in youth and when the aspect isn't mastered, those who have Moon / Pluto in hard aspect (square, opposite) feel things way too deeply, and they feel overwhelmed by their own emotions, which can scare them and others away. So when they become aware of the fact that they're "different" and much more sensitive than other people, they decide to protect themselves and they do it in various ways: cutting off emotions, turning cold, substance abuse, bullying, treating people like objects, and so on (negative manifestations). If channelled positively, the Moon / Pluto individual learns to react differently and with less intensity to people and situations, and transmutes their energy into healing, religion, or service. Obviously the area that's most affected by the Moon / Pluto aspect is that which involves feelings and family - there's usually a lot of suffering or trauma of some kind with the mother or the women in the family, or in the immediate family where the child grows up, so he becomes hypersensitive and insecure, always awaiting for danger of some sort (very often there's an extreme fear of losing a parent, separation anxiety, etc). That insecurity tends to poison every close relationship from then on, especially friendships and romantic relationships (fear of enmeshment / abandonment is a typical Moon / Pluto, Moon / Saturn issue). And that's why Hades Mooners very often sabotage their relationships by acting extremely insecure, needy and controlling, or conversely by being aloof, ignoring and playing mind games. The reason is a deep-seated fear of emotional pain - Joaquin Phoenix demonstrates this in the film “The Joker” and George Clooney illustrates how he copes in the film “Up In The Air”. Both avoid emotional intimacy yet saying the opposite of what they actually mean, ultimately being a painfully awkward process when attending to their own nurturing as a result. Another way this can manifest is leading a double life and not having a strong identity. Venus square Pluto, Outer planets in the eighth house, Masculine planets aspecting feminine planets and bad aspects to Chiron all would share similar results. There are certain degrees which are prominent to this this is very interesting and I think I’ll leave to write about this another time as I’m still debating whether there is a pattern with certain degrees. It is relatively easy to see the aspects which indicates any kind of personality disorder including narcisstic personality disorder once you know what to look out for. Always giving the benefit of the doubt but then soon realising my hypothesis was right all long.


In 1978 Hans Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and musicologist discovered the natural law of the cosmic octave as the link between different kinds of perodically occurring natural phenomena, such as the orbit of the planets, the weather, colours, rhythms and tones. He derived the planetary frequencies using math, which can be translated into an audible tone. Saturn seems to be deemed “The Most Beautiful Planet” to which I was initially confused by but after looking at more close-up pictures of Saturn I definitely do agree. It’s very mesmerising to look at. Personally, I think the three most beautiful planets are Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. If you're an auditory person, it can help paint a picture of the planet's energy. Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Pluto have relatively similar frequencies ~140 hz. Venus, Uranus, and Neptune on the other hand have the highest frequencies over 200 hz, with Venus (planet of love) having the highest frequency. Jupiter sits between the two groups with a frequency of 183hz (close to Earth's). These tones were derived from math, but there are also actual recordings of planetary sounds taken from space which you can Youtube. This confirms the reason why the highest vibration frequency is that of love, everything that is good is the derivative of love. The lowest frequency is that opposite of love or devoid of love, namely evil but there are derivatives of this such as fear, greed, anger, blame etc. Supposedly we and everything vibrates at certain levels. People who are ill, depressed, poverty-consciousness vibrate at very low levels while "enlightened individuals", "well-adjusted" and empowered individuals vibrate much higher. Low vibration is not low on energy, there are plenty of nasty folks around with high energy. What lowers vibration? Alcohol, drugs (including pharma drugs), any music which aggravates the nervous system (if not harmonious) processed food, dead water, regret, anger, blame, fear, materialism, greed, envy and jealousy. What increases vibration? walking barefoot on the grass, praying, forgiving yourself and others, exercising, dancing, smiling to yourself and others, being around and anything you did as a child. Everything is energy. It is the type of vibration frequency that differs. This is exactly what ‘A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem’ (I seek refuge in Allah from Cursed Satan) means, if you are not seeking protection then you must be inviting the devil (the lowest frequency). It’s said before reciting the Qu’ran to set the intention and tone of the prayer so you’re either vibrating in a neutral or positive frequency.

We simply attract who we are, if you enjoy life then life will bring you a bunch of people to enjoy life with. All my life I have used my heart, but I have realised that your heart will plays tricks on you, and to find out if someone is good for you, your head and heart must be aligned. When one door closes another door always opens. Also as an introvert I’ve recently been around more extroverted people which feels refreshing.


I personally don't think signs exclusively make someone weak or strong. You can have a weak Aries or a strong Virgo, signs really tell nothing about the inner workings of the individual. I also think this is where the nature/nurture theory can be explained further, if you were born to strive in less than optimal conditions, you are going to have more strength than someone who was spoon feed at birth. Unfortunately, being rich makes you less resilient than being born with circumstances. It is the difficulties in life that can make someone strong. I'm not saying rich people with nannies, and people taking care of them 24/7 can't be strong. But they will have the most difficulties if something happen to force them to struggle without all the amenities they are accustom to. Too much comfort makes everyone weak, being too comfortable makes you less strong in the long run. Being perfect is not the ultimate goal, what we are all seeking is wholeness and this includes your shadow self , which has been left out of perfection. When butterflies go through metamorphosis, they must push through their crystalis, they can't be helped. If they are helped they die. They must struggle to free themselves to have powerful wings to fly away.

My idea of mental strength is someone who has an independent mind, who can think for themselves, can see the world in many facets and is not afraid to explore the unknown. My idea of emotional strength is someone being able to accept human vulnerabilities in others and themself, to walk in other people's shoes, not be scared of the human condition, to try to really understand their point of view, have empathy and sincerity. To use their emotions to grow and not manipulate others, not be swayed by the majority, to be authentic, that to me is emotional strength.

In my own chart, I had Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in 4th house in my childhood and teenage years (my Neptune is suppose to be weak and ineffective by cookbook standards) and with this people still see me as strong, even though I don't feel it all the time. I don’t have many outer planets in Cadent houses. My chart is mystical and sensitive but people keep saying I have leadership abilities or give off a strong presence which I have a feeling is because they looked at my human design…

Human Design?

What do Aaliyah (singer), Khabib Nurmagomedov, Bruce Lee, Kylie Jenner all have in common? They all have the same 6/2 role model in human design. These people are eccentric, difficult to understand, they are undeniably powerful, game-changers, follow the beat of their own drum, paving a new way for others to follow. They are connected to something higher than themselves, seemingly shackled to the will of God. The human design is another new system that was created to incorporate the 12 and 27 star method. It is a map in the form of a Body Graph chart that indicates how unique you are as a person, a scientific way to support certain findings but still use the planets as a way to help people understand themselves better who don’t understand astrology. The particular star has a blend of Aquarius and Pisces energies. I’m a 6/2 role model hermit too but can only relate to being more of a hermit than a role model! You can easily find what you are here:

To conclude…

This is the time of the great unveiling, that’s what the word “apolcalyse” means and how apt for the year twenty twenty and twenty twenty… “too” (2022). Maybe we will begin to see what’s behind the illusion that most are absolutely sodden in. Because it’s there, it’s beyond blatant, but you have to see it. There will be many who sadly don’t, in fact many people will just sink into cognitive dissonance and simply rage at those who have given up the virtue signalling for truth and stopped playing into the hands of these trigger events in order to determine for oneself what’s worth genuinely getting dramatic over and what isn’t' and that’s okay.

“If you are free, you need to free somebody else…If you have some power then your job is to empower somebody else” -Toni Morrison

You have been invested in an illusion that is revealing itself which is why only a fraction of astrological and astronomical infomation is even on the internet. When the day of Judgement approaches more information will be available but it will be distorted with incorrect information. But most have a hell a lot of programming in the way that prevent them from being able to see it. Even JP Morgan said “millionnaires don’t use astrology billionnaires do” and knew when it was time to invest in the FTSE 100 so much that there is an asteroid named after him. There is also an asteroid named Rockefellia (named after Rockafella) and Carnegia, all three built America and they were the reason the "Monopoly" in business became illegal. They each had a monopoly in their industry and that prevented other company's from having complete control of any area of business essentially blocking other potential companies from growth. And don’t underestimate how powerful this programming is. It’s been brilliantly and meticulously inserted into the very framework of your subconscious a mind and is the shade of the lens through which you perceive and interpret every single moment of your life. What I’m saying here to many will be too preposterous to even begin to entertain and that’s okay. I dont mind. That’s why I like the internet you dont have to look and get on with your life. But for those who want to know I will do my best to explain whats going on when appropriate. The ways in which this reality is shaped and how the spells are conducted is being unveiled. And its shocking. These coincidences after one,two ,three, four, five times is fine but after a few hundreds if you’re not willing to see that there’s more to it. Then its best you return to whatever you were doing and don’t worry yourself with all of this. But if you have been cottoning on to there being something curious going on then ofcourse you’re one hundred percent correct. And its not as bad as you think it’s becoming so incredibly obvious that it’s almost like they want us to see. I am talking about using not just astrology, but combining it with obscure ways to destruct the natural order as a collective tool to web the masses. Whoever or rather, whatever is being. I think that you have a choice whether or not you want to be free. And I dont mean in a physical sense. Get out of that place for a moment. I mean psychologically free. Not being in victim mode, spiritually free, but in order for you to do so you need to be poked, prodded and provoked then traumatised. Until you start to question what the point of all this is, you dont just give up, you must never allow yourself to sink into despair. You are stronger than that because there is a greater plan at work. You can fight through the suffering because when you do you will see that the world is a stage and there are people playing roles that must be played in order for you to return to yourself and seek higher than all of this. There are souls playing “good” and “bad” so that you get pulled left and right and are thrown all over the place so savagely that you end up just stopping and asking yourself is there more to all of this? Some of these “bad” souls come in the form of spiritual/religious teachers who use this so be careful, no one has “special powers”…no one. You know yourself more than anyone. Yes ,we’re at a great gateway, a pivotal turning point right now where we can help pull eachother out of the mud and blossom into millions of lotuses who reach towards the sun with hand petals all holding each other as we remember that this life is so beautiful. But that is only if you have faith, God controls everything. It's the same view that I have about science. I don't see science as a threat to God because I believe God controls science, even if there are systems at work God created the systems. Life is not for the weak so its important that you believe in something atleast to get you through it.

Is astrology more than anything but a placebo effect? This is just talking about the basics, natal chart, transits, current transits, progressed moon, progressed planets there are many more things which I havn’t yet discusssed. Being an ancient pseudo science with no empirical evidence to back up its claims. There is no way to gauge how the planets effect life on Earth. What I have learnt is that life is all about perception. We create our sense of reality through our perceptions. It makes sense if you've found yourself feeling indifferent to astrology because maybe your perceptions have changed. If life is what we make it then it's our choice to decide whether or not a particular science, belief system or art is relevant toward our lives or not.I've always kept astrology at an arms length. I'll go through periods where I go down the rabbit hole and then the next minute it loses it's value . I've always been interested in all types of mystical, occult practices and studies and tend to move through each on my journey towards a better universal understanding of the unknown and myself. Meaning if I'm feeling disinterested, I allow myself to feel those emotions and to work through them. I've used the occult as a way to better make sense of this existence, never to justify or validate it, just to understand people more than I already presume to know as ultimately God is omnipotent. Occultism in general gives you power but there is a trick: you have power you do not really need. You get it along with all the “wisdom” that comes further and use it. After you get used to it, it gets unsatisfying. Like vices. Just like money, smoking, drinking etc....the more you get the more you want and it is never enough because it does not feed your soul. As human beings we do not need this much power and some will use this to their disadvantage but luckily knowing this protects me. Having grown up with no protective male figures maybe this was a way for God to be like here’s some of this you’ll b fine. As humans we need a meaning to live, that is the reason we search so much for truth. As human beings we only need love and to get it we need to start give it. Yes the moon will be significant to your menstral cycle and emotions will be changeable depending on the aspect.

In fact I have purposely bought a car during Mercury Retrograde which is frowned upon, Saturn Return didn’t shake me up (but it sure changed my perception of things at home), I’m close with friends who would seem like enemies if looking at “cook book” standards and I’m writing this with 6 planets in retrograde LOL. If you develop an unhealthy/codependent relationship with your mechanism for understanding you risk becoming disillusioned by it instead of opening yourself to a greater sense of awareness. Nothing is certain, we've just got to go on what we perceive to be real and true. You know what you need better than anyone else. It shouldn't be analysed to the point of dotted i's and crossed t''s better using it and making sense when your looking from a bird’s eye point of view. All this "knowledge", which gives us a partial sense of "empowerment" and "understanding" of reality, closes the door to something greater, what will make you far more happy and a better person throughout your years? Faith. We do not need to become ”enlightened” because being in Gods image we already are perfect.

Astrology is rich, complex, dynamic, and only reveals it’s depth after one takes the time to study (like any subject). It’s a lot like meteorology or genetics. There are sets of conditions which together, can give way to all kinds of results. Individuals who deepen their understanding to weed out lower probability outcomes and hone in on higher probability outcomes. In my opinion the fluidity of life should discourage everyone from reading about it, unless you want to undestand the fellow man, but that's personal opinion, it’s a blessing and a curse not to feel, but to understand others. The world is not a static place and anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something. It’s not a static art reliant on human personality traits either. It is the experiential mathematics which quantify objective and subjective co-manifestation at any point in space/time. The reason why individuals have never been through any episode of spiritual oppression is because one never left the occult/new age for God. Hence my "New York" metaphor from a homeless man preached “You gotta jump ship for this to happen. Drop it all to put your full faith in God alone”.

While you are in occultism/new age, you're "safe" from harm (because you are unknowingly connecting to the hidden spiritual forces at stake and serving them whenever you make other people interested in occultism- and that is where they want us to exactly be). Our modern world, culture and society is not shaped in a way that holds and supports the religious/spiritual growth and knowledge bestowed here. The system that we live in is devoid of any meaning, I understand that I need to warn people..but many of us (if not all) will learn from experience, not theory, lifes a bit rocky when you’re a gem :p so have fun and enjoy life my friends! Adiosssssssssss

Astrology was my starting point whilst being isolated, perhaps not necessarily yours. I’ll warn you that this blog is a real juxtaposition :) When you’re left alone long enough you start to develop a strong intuition and so I started to learn the basics when I was in year seven in school (equivant to 6th grade) and soon all my classmates were fascinated about this. When you’re left in the dark you learn about the darkness as a survival technique, so all this forbidden knowledge became effortlessly easy to understand. But more so, at a young age I witnessed being deeply moved by energies that stirred from a place that was both intimidating in it’s force and strength, but also frightening in it’s hesitantly pondered origin. That accomplished, built the younger self within me wanting a hunger for more. I'd safely bet that not one person who truly delves into metaphysics returns to the traditional religious highway the same light. It would be like trying to satisfy your spiritual hunger with a carrot instead of a three course meal! That is not to say that students of astrology shun God...or any religiously inspired work. But you will look at your chosen religion from another light making your compassion for your religion and humankind grow as religion most certainly provides us with the means to understand our fellow man/woman.

I’m starting to realise that in order for man/woman to evolve in consciousness a certain level of friction is required in order to create the spark that will light up his mind in a way in which he sees the genuine, breathtaking, perfect nature of reality. That isn’t just some lofty or noble ideal, it’s something that you must gradually do and yet it occurs in a moment that everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to be. The veil is being slowly lifted, the curtain is being pulled back to reveal something quite incredible at play. But you have to have a higher, calmer, more objective and inclusive perspective to be able to see it. The world is full of drama that can and will grip you and strip away any chance of you seeing what’s really going on if you let it. But don’t. Look past the surface level details of whats going on but the storyline is littered with utterly preposterous “facts” and outrageously blatant “coincidences” and hilarious truth bombs in the form of perverted jokes. We never ask "why was that person angry?" or "what caused them feel so hopeless that they thought that was a good idea? These life events are facilitating something that should not result in this endless emotionally wails of woe and tragedy. Sure invest in the top epidermis of this whole thing if you must and perpetuate the misery even more by making this about something which obviously isnt being changed by the ways we’ve been trying over and over and just failing. 

-Sura 16, verse 12:

“For you (God) subjected the night and the day, the sun and the moon; the stars are in subjection to His Command. Verily in this are signs for people who are wise."

According to some preachers of Islam, astrology may be acceptable in Islam because it is neither illusion nor a demonic practice. Back in 610 Common Era (CE) when Islam began, Muslims relied on the Sun and Moon to determine important events such as the direction of Mecca, fasting times for Ramadan and the beginning and end of each month. The planets are referred to as stars and only those who really understand will be able to appreciate it. This is because this information does not hurt anyone, it’s when you try and test life by predicting events and using it as a tool to navigate throught life because you are not only overriding Allah’s swt plans but not even acknowledging Allah swt. Astronomy plays an important role in Islam in general, as it is usually meant looking at celestial objects and admiring how amazing they are and relating it to the grandeur of God. They play a prominent role in all religions. I understand Islam prohibits the use of Astrology if it’s an act that benefits the occult but to understand it as a cultural phenomenon is not prohibited at all. In fact understanding it as a collective is fascinating. Astrology and Astronomy have been a vital part of Middle Eastern and Arabic culture and many famous Muslim Scientists were greatly interested in astrocharts known as astrocartography, in fact the “part of fortune” was introduced by them. This is the sensitive point in a chart that is derived from the positions of the Sun, Moon and the Ascendant, blending their energies together. The Arabic Parts are in actuality the "Shadow Chart" of a human being. This can also be called the "Secondary Chart" and will uncannily help time the events triggered by transits to the primary natal chart or primary progressed chart (which is paradoxically termed as secondary progression in most websites), the term secondary chart is only availavle to a limited number of people. I'd never put astrology over God though, Islam is the right way because you feel more of a connection to God when hearing the azhan or touching your forehead to the ground and letting God take the burden off your shoulders. 

In Judaism, Sefer Yetzirah, one of the first Jewish books ever written, revealing the secrets of Jewish astrology. Throughout the Bible, Talmud and Code of Jewish Law there are descriptions of how G-d channels His life force into the world through heavenly bodies. At the same time, when one is connected to the Torah and observes its commandments, he or she is directly plugged into the supernatural, surpassing the influences of astrological forces.

Jacob’s sons, who became the twelve tribes of Israel are actually twelve different soul roots from the Jewish descendents. These roots corresponds with the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve Jewish months, twelve letters of the Hebrew alphabet and twelve attributes of the soul, such as sight, anger, speech and thought.

Jews believe that they have the ability to better themselves at any time, but the Kabbalah delineates certain times that are more auspicious to work on certain attributes. For example, Jewish holidays do not only commemorate historical events, but are the result of heavenly forces and energies. In the month of Nissa, when Passover, is celebrated the attribute of speech is at its height giving the added strength to refine our attribute of communication. According to the astrological chart, the month in which one is born, indicates a hidden strength one can develop, or a weakness that can be overcome; however, they believe that one is not locked into the "personality" of the month. For Jews, each individual is infused with these strengths and weaknesses. They are refined , one by one, during the cycle of the Jewish year, as they strive for a life where the physical, mental and emotional are integrated into the spiritual.

Unless you like to go alone with the narrative, people just spiral and the “how dare you look at astrology!” start is just terrible. Why are “celebrities” or role models reluctant to reveal their date of birth? There’s not a part of me that feels okay with just not sharing this and leaving people in the dark to be incessantly tricked as a collective when there is enough information available now for people to begin to see the patterns and start to distinguish the illusion they have been living in.

Albert Einstein was a supporter of astrology and probably thought that there was that perfect blend of science and spirit. No debate about which one is "right" and which is wrong. Just the sweet acceptance that the two may coexsist as one. I will say that one can't read the 'cookbook' explanations on websites and neither should you. They simply just don't tell the whole story. Infact, most look at what the planetary alignment’s are, oblivious to the fact that it’s constantly changing. If you look at the galaxy altogether it’s a whole other story. You definitely need to read a book to interpret the chart because there is just so much to it. I don’t say “so much” lightly, it goes deeper than just knowing the planets, that’s easy. This is not one of those “oh whats your moon sign?”,no this goes deeper. Let me break it down…

Natal Astrology

Astrology is also known as natal astrology and it involves the analysis of this “birth chart” of the individual which is a diagram that depicts where the planets were at the exact moment of ones birth and using the exact time and location. Ofcourse, without the time it’s difficult to look at since being off by a minute can change everything. It is useful for determining a wide-ranging information about different areas of an individuals life. A natal chart is somehow similar to a "Curriculum vitae" - now, hypothetically you can't judge a person based on what's available on paper, instead you should judge him based on his performance, based on your experience with that person. Our chart can show great potential because of something called "free will", maybe some of us didn't use it, maybe life is more complicated than that and so is a human. There are different systems that people use either the 12 star method, 27 star method etc, the more stars, the more accurate. Vince Gilligan who created the show “Breaking Bad” has the same sun and moon sign in his chart (27 star method not western) and every single character on that show has that prominent star in their chart, is it a coincidence why it was a success? What’s more interesting is that the actual show is about that prominent star which is all about having two faces, meaning that the protagonist can draw from the angelic or demonic realms. Robert Dinero and Martin Scorseze also share the same moon according to the 27 star method, for the purposes for this blog I’ll stick with the 12 star method. There is so much that I want to write about this!


In very simple terms astrocartography is a map that transposes your natal chart geographically. When you travel to a certain location where there is a line drawn from the planet, you will feel the energy of the planet there. I've heard many people having a very positive time in places which cross the Venus or Jupiter axis. Lots of fun, many opportunities, things seem to come to them with ease like when I went to New York. On the other hand, when people have traveled to where there Pluto is transposed, they have a nightmarish experience- in the words of one friend, "like they've gone to the Underworld”. I relocated to Birmingham not so long ago and I noticed that I felt more relaxed because my Sun was shining but my Saturn was sitting in my 10th house (midheaven) instead of my Sun so I did not feel fulilled in my career. Well anyway, it took a mouse to scare me off and to move out. Sure looking at the chart is interesting because you can identify places in the areas that you want to excel in, all my successes have taken place away from my home town. All this matters but in the end, the natal chart wins, unless you have evolved and learnt from life experiences no one can escape their issues.


So natal astrology implies that our lives are largely predetermined or mapped out ahead of time however here are transits which show the current snapshot of the planetary alignments. This means that your natal chart and the current transits will not be the same, for example ones natal chart will have the natal Sun in the sign of Aries but the current transit will show it being in the sign of Libra for the next say 3 months. The individuals Sun (ego,self) will be prevailed by Libra energy. Moreover, as Aries is opposite of Libra it can cause the individual to act bipolar. Transits can be life changing when hard aspects or angles are involved. They are only indicators of the realm of possibilities. Transits are like possible weather forecasts or conditions. Thus, if the forecast is freezing rain, and one must go outside, that means he should dress accordingly and leave a little early for possible traffic delays. Also one can fortify with the insurance of positive vibrations and universal love. Each transit has its teachable moments but like the weather it can change at anytime. Focus on the good and leave the possibilities that you do not want on the self. Also, find and focus on other transits that are easy for you to accept, even if it is only a brief positive moon transit. Transits that are perceived as stressful are studied for ways and this means that it allows one to avert their direct impact, and/or mitigate a real direct influence. If you look too far ahead God will test you with an obstacle and indirectly give you signs to tell you to stop looking at it. Transit Aspects are angular displacements between the transiting planet a natal plant, house axis or other power points in the natal chart.

The houses represent different spheres of our lives – different themes in the world. The first house is the house of self-identity, tenth house is career, fourth house is our home life, etc. They’re the “where” of the natal chart. Every house has a sign on the cusp and hence a house Ruler. That ruler goes forth in the chart as the emissary of that house. For the length of your life, that house ruler will represent what happens to you in the affairs of that house.

For example, your chart ruler(Ruler of the first house) will represent your physical body so if you are wanting to know info about your body, you can look at what transits(planets coming by in the sky) are hitting it.

So each house will have a House Ruler and that planet will always give us info on what that house rules. The house may be empty or not.

The signs are based on twelve 30 degree divisions of the sky. The houses depend on your location, and how those divisions are spread out across the sky at the time of your birth. The Sign coming up over the horizon at the time of your birth is called the “Rising Sign” or “Ascendant Sign.” as mentioned earlier when talking about the part of fortune. This is the starting point, and the divisions work eastwards (or down) from there.The houses have an approximate 24 hour rotation period, each sign is in each house for about 2 hours out of the day. This means they move about 1 degrees every 4 minutes.

Some would argue that the first House is the most important. Why? Because you can't have a play without a stage. This is where the you-of-you begins in your chart. This house describes the outer personality, physical appearance, and physical health (to an extent). It also covers personal affairs, attitude, outlook on life, how others see you via the impression you make, your private life, and your concept of self-awareness. Think of these keywords when you look to see what planets are housed in the first house. For example, I have my natal Sun and Lilith in the first house. This makes for a very interesting mix. Conjunction is a very specific relationship. Just because the Sun and Lilith are both in the first House, it doesn't always mean they're in conjunction. Conjunction only occurs if the 2 planets are within ten degrees of each other. Not just when they transit through the same house. .


Everyone has an asteroid lilith sign (not black moon or dark moon), but in layman terms, Lilith is the girl who thought she made a real connection with a potential significant other only to find out he only wants her for a booty-call. She's mad that she didn't figure it out sooner and disgusted that he would think so little of her. To explain that in detail, Lilith originates from the Bible, again why it shouldn’t be looked at! I know my Muslim friends are reading this in disgrace. But to give you some background information according to the Bible, lilith was the first wife of Adam, before Eve. She refused to be subordinate to him and to lie beneath him in sexual relations. She wanted to be on top. When Adam tried to force her, she used her powers to fly away. So Adam prayed to God to bring the rebel back to him. So God sent three angels to search for her and they found her at the Red Sea in the land of the demons. She refused to follow the angels, damned them and spent her time making love to the demons, which seemed to be more fun. God punished Lilith for her disobedience and started killing her children at the rate of 100 per day. To this mythical genocide, Lilith reacted by killing the children herself. Meanwhile, God created Eve from Adam's rib to make sure he had a more servile companion at his side. Lilith and Mary Magdalena also known as Maryam both representing the feminine as powerful. Amongst other things. Just like the planets are aligned with different signs, Lilith is also considered to be important. Not only for astrology but it illustrates where the “madonna whore dichotomy” stemmed from.

It’s interesting to note that throughout my life and anyone sharing a Lilith in 1st house, I’ve found it easy to make friends but I have had odd encounters with those who projected their unresolved shadow self onto me. There have been some recent incidents where I’ve been in work situations where female colleagues have been quite comfortable to ask me about the birds and the bees then being bitter towards me that I havn’t even had intercourse. During my final year at university I was prodded by female friends about my non-existent sexual past, it’s like I have a sign on my forehead that reads “sex” everywhere I go LOL. I have no concern for someones sexual life, people can do what they want and I believe it should only be spoken about with one’s spouse. When approached by males, I have had to deal with them being cruel to me when I’m not interested. In addition attracting stalkers is another theme.

The above encounters are due to the Lilith energy that is emitted, nothing to do with the physical appearance. I stumbled across this site which described everything so perfectly and hit me with many truth bombs about others perception of me, noting what I have written before about being physically abused. This is the link: The blog also mentions about those who share this aspect have difficult relationships with their mothers. This can be true to an extent I mean it was difficult growing up and now I have to pray in secret and have had numerous occasions where I’ve celebrated Islamic events on my own. This is something that is talked about often in abusive or neglectful households, survival instincts can cause the children in a situation like that to essentially "turn" on each other. Although my parents did not constantly physically harm me, growing up with their extreme neglect, my fathers alcoholism and surviving a critical narcisstic rage whilst being in freeze mode is still a form of abuse. As a child of neglect, trying to come to terms that there’s someone out there who really cares about you after it’s beaten into your head that you’re invisible is difficult and often I have felt disconnected from them. It’s hard for us to trust that the person actually wants good for us because all we’ve ever known is being invisible. So what does one do when the relationship with the mother is difficult? You continue being civil and do the best that you can after all I wouldn’t be here otherwise.

This can manifest into lovers being a light into someones darkness meaning that a man/woman can be the only good thing going in his/her life, the only thing to look forward to. This would be his/her passion and by being obsessed, bringing in joy and happiness because being around family would make one feel empty. Often this would make the person bored if there is no object of desire. The right people can bring out my Venus in Sagitarius in the twelve star system and Venus in Scorpio in the twenty-seven system star system. Being a blend of both is like wanting all the freedom but then wanting to come back to make sure that my lover has been loyal. My ruling planet is Sagittarius because my Sun in Libra which is ruled by Venus, is in Sagittarius. (twelve star system). But my moon planet in the other system is Aquarius and Pisces.

Signs, planets and houses rule over certain parts of the body too. I have have mercury square uranus in my natal chart, both which rule the nervous system and can cause anxiety. The tighter the degree between both planets the stronger the influence between both planets creating more electrical implusles in the nervous system. Having this aspect alone doesn’t make you act this way, the whole chart needs to be looked at. My communication style goes a little bit more haywire during Mercury Retrograde, this can be the same if your dominant planet is in Mercury. The problem with this and anyone with this aspect is this, one would normally connect things very unrelated (to the observer). But for this to work, the uranus-mercury needs to make all the connection clear to the observer. Often people think the uranus-mercury is illogical, but a closer look reveal that is not lack of logic, but more the speed that does not give time to put things in a linear way. If one thousand ideas come to ones mind and only you are making sense of them, one may say that they are "crazy", but in reality if this written this down, thought over and then communicated to them, it is another story. Hence why I enjoy writing on this blog! It is important to make things linear to the linear thinker. The fact that all the dots are connected in ones mind does not mean that others can see that connection. It takes time to articulate in the logical manner so the advice (which I do not follow often except when at work) is to organise the ideas before speaking.

I do have random epiphanies that fly into my brain sometimes but they're usually amusing LOL and I have good intution so sometimes I'll say something that sounds crazy to someone because sometimes I get ahead of myself in speech, i.e. I will say the end result, D, before I say A+B+C=D. I can go anywhere with my conversation at any given time and my imagination is vivid! It also takes me forever to go to sleep because my mind is constantly thinking.

My Venus in Sagittarius (ruled by jupiter) calls for my big thighs because Jupiter expands things but I’m also putty in one’s hand if one can make me laugh, can go on spontaneous trips, have religious/philosophical chats, lots of higher learning and lots of freedom. On the other hand this is combined with my Venus in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) in the 27 star system calls for my deep and intense nature in love, giving all, emotionally raw and if I truly love someone, I'll go down in flames for them. This is because Scorpio rules the reproductive system, sex organs, bowels and the excretory system. If any of these are afflicted in anyway it affects our feelings greatly.

Angelina Jolie is reowned for her natural beauty because Venus (makes the body part more aesthetically pleasing is conjunct her first house (physical appearance). Her ascendent is in Cancer, so it’s ruler is the moon (increases femininity) and her moon happens to be in aries (rules head) increasing feminine features giving her natural beauty forever. Biggie had Jupiter (expansion) in his first house so his appearance made him larger than the average person. There are ofcourse some truths to this, but you are always free to challenge it if you disagree.

What happens when two planets are conjunct vs. when they only share a single house? The answer is literally a matter of degrees: Two planets conjunct with each other greatly accentuate each others significance. If they simply share a single house, but aren't conjunct the degree of mutual increase is reduced.